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Everybody likes earning extra cash, and if you can earn it around your normal daily routine, all the better. The tricky part is figuring out how to find the time. Also, what if you need the cash quickly?
Luckily, there are lots of handy articles on the web that can help you get started. We rounded up some of our favourites so you don’t have to…
It’s no surprise that our pals at MoneyMagpie are brimming with money-making ideas.
Give these articles a read on your lunch break, and you could be making money before you go to bed tonight.
Make money around your full time job: As we’ve mentioned, sometimes the trickiest part of making more money is making it fit around your busy life. Some people may also be put off by having to learn new skills in order to earn more money. Improving on your knowledge and skills is great, but it can take time, which many people don’t have in abundance.
What’s great about this particular article is that it talks about techniques that not only boost your income but build on your existing skills to make your life feel richer.
Make money at home: We spend a fair bit of time in our homes. We might as well make some money while we’re there! MoneyMagpie talks you through how to make money watching TV, lying down, and from your kitchen or bathroom (there are no gross suggestions on the bathroom front, don’t worry.).
If you want to get out and about a bit, you could try setting up a dog walking business or growing and selling vegetables right from your garden (If you rent privately or from a local authority, make sure you get permission before planting those seeds!).
Make money by clearing your clutter: Every March, Moneymagpie’s Jasmine Birtles runs a national Clear Your Clutter Day campaign. You might think your household junk is worthless, but you’d be amazed what people will pay you money for. Once you’ve sold all your unwanted stuff, you’ll have more room to breathe and more money to spend on the things you really need.
A few years ago, father of three Ricky Willis, a.k.a Skint Dad, found himself in a mire of debt and poorer than he’d ever been.
Fast forward to now: Ricky runs one of the most successful financial blogs in the UK and provides tips and support to help thousands of other people manage their money. On his website, you can find out how to:
Make money as a tech-savvy gadget addict: Devices such as laptops, phones and tablets aren’t cheap, so you might as well make them earn their keep. You can make money through mobile phone apps, surfing the web and making home videos.
Make money while shopping: Just because you’re spending money doesn’t mean that you can’t filter some back into your pocket! Mystery shopping has its detractors, as there’s a bit of faff involved with writing reviews and whatnot, but many people swear by it as a fun, flexible way to earn money.
If mystery shopping isn’t your thing then you can still earn money from shopping. Ricky’s wife Naomi, a.k.a. Skint Mum, gave Receipt Hog a try, where you scan receipts to earn PayPal credit or Amazon vouchers.
Make money selling your loo rolls?!: To highlight my earlier point about people buying any old tat, some folk will actually buy your empty loo rolls off you. Takes all sorts, I guess?
Andy at Be Clever With Your Cash believes in the importance of community. He runs the annual UK Money Bloggers SHO-MO awards, so you can be sure he knows his stuff when it comes to frugal living.
He reckons you can:
Make money via your bank account: Thanks to schemes such as the Current Account Switch Service, it’s now easier than ever to leave a bank you’re not happy with. In addition to this, some banks offer a cash incentive for switching to them, or referring a friend. From cashback to special deals on the high street, you can make a tidy sum by regularly reviewing your bank account and switching to somewhere more deserving of your dosh.
Make money from competitions: people up and down the country are turning ‘comping’ into a hobby that can sometimes pay off. It requires time and perseverance, but if you’re savvy about it, the rewards can be huge.
Life as a student isn’t all about sleeping long into the afternoon and cramming a year’s worth of project work into the final week before exams.
The folks at Save The Student know all about how to get through those lean years at uni, and can tell you how to:
Make money by starting a business: If you’re feeling bold and daring, starting a business while studying may mean that you’ve got an income to lean on once you graduate. Even if you’re not studying right now, this list of 50 business ideas is still worth checking out.
Make money by filling in surveys: The self-esteem movement was right: your opinion is worth its weight in gold. Why not put it to work by filling in some paid surveys? No money-making article roundup would be complete without some tips from Martin Lewis and co. Whether it’s selling old books or taking in a lodger, there’s bound to be something in this monster list you can try.
Frugal Queen: Cornwall and Brittany-based blogger Frugal Queen a.k.a. Froogs tried her hand at earning money from recycling.
The Money Principle: Super-savvy finance blogger Maria put together a list of 150 ways to make extra money. It would be rude not to add it to our list of web wisdom (we blushed to see that some of our own thrifty know-how had made her list).
You don’t have to stray far to find inspiration for making more money. We’re always looking for ways to help you increase your income. Take a gander at:
Our ‘Weird ways to make money’ series. Part one was published several years ago and has been read by hundreds of thousands of people. We hope the strange tips we found helped them pocket an extra few bob. Don’t forget to check out parts two and three.
We also have tips for stay at home parents and people hoping to build an emergency fund or pay off debt.
Now go forth, money-makers…and PROFIT!
DISCLAIMER: MoneyAware cannot in any way guarantee the success or safety implications of the above mentioned money-making tips. We strongly encourage clients and subscribers to declare all additional income to Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC).