What happens if we split up during our joint IVA?
How will your joint and interlocking IVA be affected if your relationship...
This year has been the busiest ever year for the MoneyAware blog. We’ve had more than 1.4 million visits to the site and the year’s not even finished yet!
We don’t like to blow our own trumpet but we’re pretty pleased about how many people we’ve been able to help with our articles.
Here’s a round-up of the most popular blogposts we’ve had in this bumper year for the blog.
35,261 reads
Our pals at the Money Advice Service came up with this huge number of money-saving tips. It’s no surprise that it’s been so popular, with so many tips to choose from there’s something for everyone!
37,909 reads
If you’ve been on an IVA for a few years you might not be thinking about your credit file. However, having a clean credit file can help you in a number of ways. You can work out whether you can get a mortgage or apply for a new mobile contract, and in some cases it may even be checked by prospective employers. Following the simple tips in this article can really help to make sure your credit file starts to look better after an IVA.
37,913 reads
The idea of bailiffs turning up at your door can be a scary prospect. Knowing your rights and getting good advice can really help if you’re dealing with bailiffs (often known as enforcement agents). This practical article gives straightforward tips.
38,623 reads
If you’ve fallen behind on payments to a debt then a default letter might drop through your letterbox. Many lenders have to send these letters before they can take any further action on a debt. This article describes what information a default notice must contain and talks through how it could affect you if you receive a default.
46,175 reads
Ever seen an advert promising “easy” schemes that will lead to your debts being written off? If you have then this article is for you! It talks through the truth behind the promises and reveals the true ways you can deal with debts.
48,838 reads
We publish a lot of stats about debt but sometimes it’s nice to hear a real-life story rather than just looking at numbers. In this article Lisa shares her story about how she managed to get herself out of debt.
78,694 reads
If you receive a CCJ then it’s important that you deal with it as soon as possible. It can feel a bit scary to have court forms to fill out, but this article can guide you through everything you need to know.
85,755 reads
Ever heard the story about how you can ignore your debt for six years and it’ll be written off? Well it’s not quite that simple, but this article gives you the facts about how the Statute of Limitations applies to various different types of debts.
97,134 reads
If you’re in debt it can be easy to fear the worst and think that your creditors might do all sorts of terrible things. This article clearly lays out the things that they can and can’t do. It’s usually not as bad as you think.
241,870 reads
Our most popular article of 2016 had more than double the number of views of its nearest rival. Finding unusual ways to make some extra cash is clearly a subject a lot of people are interested in!
The ideas are sometimes useful and sometimes a little bit strange, but it’s an entertaining read and might just give you the inspiration to go out and make some extra money!
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