How to budget on a fluctuating income
Whether you’re working flexible hours because it suits your lifestyle or you’ve...
Most people want to manage their money in the best way possible. However, the idea of putting a budget together can stir up feelings of anxiety, discomfort, and out-and-out rebellion!
To be truly money-savvy, you need a thorough understanding of your income and outgoings. A budget is the best way to achieve this. Let’s take a look at why budgeting can be so difficult, and how to combat those common excuses.
There can be many reasons why budgeting isn’t always easy. Some common ones include:
The human brain is a mess of contradictions. It can obsess so much about what the future holds, but it sometimes struggles to see how small, daily efforts can add up to long-lasting, positive changes.
There’s also good old-fashioned impatience. One of the reasons why a new exercise regime can often fail is because it takes time to form the healthy habits we’re working towards. You need to do the same routine, day in and day out, and be assured that you’ll see results down the line.
Budgeting can present a similar problem. It’s easier to cut down on social outings and takeaways if you know it’s going to pay off in the form of being debt free, having money set aside for an emergency or being able to pay for that holiday you’ve been dreaming of. However, goals like this can seem an awful long way away, which can affect your long-term motivation.
While you’re putting your budget together, think about:
So now we’ve looked at why budgeting can be difficult – and how to make it easier – let’s unpack those common excuses that can stop you living your best financial life!
If you’ve found budgets unworkable in the past, it may be because they weren’t realistic to your needs. Your living expenses are paramount, no matter how much debt you’re trying to pay off or how big your savings goal is.
When budgeting, people often want to see results fast, such as a big fat emergency savings pot or all of their debts paid off quickly. These are fantastic goals to have, as long as they’re worked on in a realistic way. As examples, the following ways would be unrealistic:
Take a look at what you spend each month, and think about what truly makes you happy. If it’s going to a music festival once a year, or treating yourself to a new pair of shoes, then think about how to set a bit of money aside each month to cover these expenses. Remember; this isn’t about depriving yourself!
It can be very frustrating when you’re trying to be more money-savvy but your significant other doesn’t want to follow your budget. It’s a free country, and they have a right to spend their income as they see fit. However, you also have the right to make sound decisions with how you spend and save your own money.
If your partner’s unwilling to follow your budget, you could try:
When you look at a finished budget, it can seem like a lot of hassle. If that’s the case for you, why not try and tackle it one bit at a time?
There’s no rule saying you have to finish your budget in one go. In fact, our 7 Days, 7 Ways email support programme can help you put your budget together step by step, over a number of days. There are also budgeting apps you could try.
You can get up-to-date balances on your debts pretty quickly. All you need to do is check your credit file through one of the three credit reference agencies – Experian, Credit Karma or Equifax.
As for your bills, take ten minutes to go through your recent bank statement. You should find the regular amounts you pay out for council tax, rent, mortgage and other important costs.
For food, you can work out your monthly average by counting up what you spent in the supermarket over an average week.
Building a budget isn’t usually a rip-roaring roller coaster ride through Funtown, but sometimes you have to do the boring stuff to make big changes to your life.
Sometimes when you give something a try for the first time, and you ‘fail’ at it, it can be tempting to give up on it completely.
One of the childhood rites of passage for many people is to learn how to ride a bike. Was this the case for you? Cast your mind back to those first few tries. Remember when the trailing wheels finally came off, and how wobbly you felt riding on just two wheels? Remember falling off and scraping your knees? Remember crying and wanting to give up?
Budgeting is like riding a bike. Yes, you might feel wobbly and uncertain at first. Yes, you might ‘fall over’ and spend too much one month or not put enough in savings the next. Eventually though, you’ll find your balance and it’ll all kick into place. You just need to stick with it!
Like many people, you may find that there’s just too much month at the end of your money. Daily expenses such as food and petrol get more expensive, and not everyone gets a wage rise when inflation hits.
Have you checked to see what benefits you may be entitled to? We have a benefits checker than can help you do just that. There may also be ways you can make some extra money.
Please note: any extra earnings must be declared to Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC).
This might be true. However, there’s a difference between ‘managing’ and ‘optimal financial fitness’, which is what a budget can help you achieve.
As you’ll learn through our 7 Days, 7 Ways email support programme, it’s the difference between thriving and surviving. We’re guessing that you want to do more of the former.
The job market is changing all the time, and self-employed and zero contract gigs are becoming more common as a result. Take a moment to think of your food delivery driver or parcel deliverer, as they’re working to a zero-hours contract. This is a relatively new type of employment, but it can make a person’s income pretty unpredictable.
Having an irregular income shouldn’t stop you from making an effective budget. You could try:
(Please note: StepChange Debt Charity is unable to give debt advice to self-employed/zero-hour contract clients. Business Debtline can give you free and confidential debt advice solutions that’s tailored to your circumstances)
Humans tend to be very ‘all or nothing’ in our thinking. If there have been a few ‘failed’ attempts at budgeting in the past, it can create a feeling of shame that’s very difficult to shift.
The fact you’re here, at the end of this article, means that you have what it takes to make an effective, realistic budget that can help you turn your finances around for good. Thousands of people have made positive changes to how they manage their money, and so can you!
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