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Do you know how much your bank charges if you go into your overdraft or if you go over your limit? Many of our clients pay hundreds of pounds to their bank as a result of unarranged overdraft charges. In some cases it can be more expensive to go into unarranged overdraft than it would cost to take out a payday loan.
We’ve carried out research that shows that overdraft charges are adding to the debt worries of our clients and the costs of having an overdraft might be higher than you’d expect. We believe that the FCA should take action to limit unarranged overdraft charges.
Many people are trapped in a monthly cycle of dipping in and out of the red regularly using their overdraft to meet essential costs. We found in a recent survey of callers to our debt helpline that clients with an overdraft facility were used their overdraft in 11 out of the last 12 months.
We think that unarranged overdraft charges are too high and they disproportionately affect those that are least able to pay. The cost for exceeding their overdraft limit averaged £45 when all the charges were added up. It doesn’t usually stop at one set of charges though, and people typically went over their limit in five months of the previous year.
By doing some quick maths you can see that people contacting us for debt advice are paying an average of £225 a year in bank charges for exceeding their overdraft limit.
Our research shows that overdrafts can add extra pressure to those struggling with debt. The ability to spend more than you have can seem useful at first, but it can quickly get out of control.
Here’s a typical lifecycle of an overdraft problem:
Overdrafts can be difficult to deal with, and once you’ve reached your overdraft limit it can be very hard to pay it back. If you’re finding that you’re stuck in an overdraft it may be worth following these steps in an effort to repay it:
If you have overdraft debts that you’re struggling to deal with then you should contact us for free and impartial debt advice.
It’s time for the FCA to set a cap on unarranged overdraft charges. Our research reveals the impact of overdraft charges on the vulnerable.