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People across the UK will soon receive forms to apply for or renew their tax credits. If you already claim Tax credits but your renewal form hasn’t arrived, don’t panic! You should get the form by the end of June.
If you do need to talk anything over with the Tax credit office once you do get your paperwork, keep in mind that the lines are very busy at the moment so you might need to wait a little while to get through. This is likely to be the case right up to the deadline on 31 July.
Renewing Tax credits might seem a bit tricky, but it can be pretty straightforward if you know what information you need to provide.
When you look inside the pack, you should find an annual review notice and an annual declaration form. The renewal statement will ask you to let the Tax office know if there have been any changes in your circumstances.
It’s up to you to read through and make sure that all information is correct, especially the income section. If it is, you don’t need to do anything; your credits will be renewed automatically.
Missing the deadline might mean that you get an underpayment, which means you may not get the Tax credit payment you’re entitled to. HMRC may sometimes give a few days’ leeway, however. If you do try to claim later, you can only backdate for one month.
If you’re overpaid, you must let the Tax office know as soon as you can. It might be tempting to keep quiet but should the Tax office discover the mistake, they’ll demand the money back. It could also result in further fines. Being purposely misleading with the information you give could also lead to prosecution.
HMRC recently admitted that their phone lines are jammed and lots of people are struggling to get through. They say that it’s easier to speak to someone between the following times:
They also wanted to remind people that they can renew, make changes and request a new claim pack online at Gov.uk.
If the amount of tax credits you receive has changed and you have debt solution with us, let us know. You can either use our OnlineDMP service or call us to update your figures.
To find out if you qualify for Working or Child Tax Credit, use our online benefits checker.