5 great reasons to get out of debt
Nobody likes debt, but sometimes we need a bit more encouragement to...
If you’re on a debt management plan or an IVA with CCCS our move to StepChange Debt Charity might give you some nervousness.
Why are we changing our name? What does it mean for you?
We thought we’d answer some of your questions, so you can understand what the change means to you, and how you’ll be affected (in practice you’ll be affected very little!).
If your questions aren’t answered here post yours up in the comments below and we’ll be happy to answer it.
A: Quite simply we want a more memorable name so we can reach out to more people who are struggling with problem debt and let them know we are here to help. Even though we’re already the UK’s largest single provider of debt management plans there are many people who are not aware of our services.
With a more memorable name, a clearer identity and a stronger presence than ever before, we will reinforce our position as the leading debt charity, and become the organisation that people turn to first when looking for debt help.
A: No. Our name is new but you’ll be talking to exactly the same expert people. As a charity, you can rest assured that the advice and recommendations we make will continue to be in your best interest.
A: You will see our new name and logo on any communications you receive from us but, other than that, very little will change for you. The recommended solution we’ve given you remains the same and you do not need to resend any paperwork, change any payment arrangements or let your creditors know.
A: Yes, we’ve been in touch with all creditors that we have a relationship with, to let them know about the change. You will not need to contact them.
A: You don’t need to send any information as creditors already know we’re changing name. So you can continue to use the budget we completed at your advice session. The same applies to any other paperwork we’ve sent you.
A: There is no need to take any action regarding your monthly payment whether you make payments via direct debit or standing order.
A: Yes our sort code and account number will remain the same.
A: Yes, you can now find us at www.stepchange.org
A: No this will remain as ‘Foundation for Credit Counselling’- this is our registered name.
A: Yes, we’ll continue to offer the free and impartial debt advice we’ve always done.
A: Apart from the fetching new colour scheme and general sprucing, MoneyAware will stay the same. We’ll still have the same, more informal debt blogging and money management articles we’ve always had.