Ignore it
The credit cards have been paid so it can’t be them. You’re...
Unsurprisingly some of our most popular blogposts dispel the myths about easy ways to ‘get away’ from paying back your debts.
These articles get lots of visits, although we’re sure that a lot of people come away disappointed when they find out the truth about getting debt free quick.
It’s cheeky but it’s also human nature to look for easy, stress-free ways out of tight spots. When you’re desperate to escape a debt problem, clinging to anything, no matter how ill-judged a move it could be, brings hope. Advertisements saying things like “Your debts written off!” often don’t help the situation.
So what do people look for? Let’s dispel the myths that it’s easy to ‘get away without paying’…
We also run a feature on our Twitter channel called #debtmyths. Again, many of the most popular myths are around debt avoidance…
And finally our last article isn’t really about getting away with it; it’s more to do with wishful thinking. Still, the article has some great advice…
Winning the lottery, running away or finding ways to get out of paying debts might get views on the internet but the reality is your creditors will only treat you fairly if you make your best efforts towards dealing with your debts.
We know our clients are doing their best towards clearing their debts. However we know it can be a struggle and we try and offer as much support as we can. We also know through our debt blog that some people actively look for ways to escape their debt.
Taking free and impartial debt advice from StepChange Debt Charity is one of the best ways to make sure you’re on the right track towards debt freedom.